A Deeper Dive into Self-Kindness

A Deeper Dive into Self-Kindness

Today, we’re breaking down Reason #1 from a previous blog post, 5 Reasons We Believe it's Important to be Kind to Yourself...

Our mental and emotional well-being depend on it!  

We are exploring ways to increase positive self-talk. You know that inner voice that tells you if you’re worthy or not? Let’s get her in the right mood to conquer your day, your week, and your life! If you’ve read this blog post, then you already know that a positive inner dialogue can build resiliency, reduce stress, and improve our overall emotional well-being. So here are three very doable ways to turn this voice from your biggest critic into your best cheerleader!

1. Morning Meditations

    We all know the benefits of meditation - mental clarity, emotional balance, stress reduction. These are all great, but what we’re specifically talking about here is self-affirming meditations. Even a quick 5 minutes when you wake up can set you up for positive self-talk throughout the day. You can even do this lying in bed! Maybe set the guided meditation up on your phone before you go to bed so you can just wake up, hit play and listen to good vibes only. Where are these magical meditations you ask? We have a few suggestions right here. Remember, we got you!

    Yoga with Kassandra’s 5-minute Morning Affirmation Meditation – Positive Thoughts

    The app Insight Timer lets you choose the time you’d like to meditate!  And there are countless guided mediations if you search “positive affirmations”.

    The Breethe app is also a great choice for specific timed guided meditations.

    And we are big fans of Gaby Bernstein!

    2. Positive Affirmations

    This tip could NOT be easier - put up affirmations where you will see them every day. You could stick some on your bathroom mirror, tape them to your laptop, or even put one in your wallet. Whisper them to yourself every time you see them. Even these quick reminders will help! We’ve even made affirmations you can print out. And better yet, we made some for your kids!

    Simply subscribe to our mailing list (we promise not to bug you too much!) and your first email will include not only our daily affirmations, but coloring pages, Spotify playlist and exclusive discount!

    3. The Thought-Stop Method

    Officially, The Thought-Stop Method is a cognitive-behavioral technique designed to interrupt and challenge negative thought patterns. Unofficially, it’s a quick way to train your brain to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. The quick and dirty way to use the thought-stop method is when you recognize your negative thought, literally say, “STOP!”. Feel free to shout this out loud, we won’t judge! Here’s the most important part. REPLACE the previous negative thought with a positive one. That’s it! Practice is everything here, but we know you can do it. 

    No need to do all these tips right away. Start with one and see how you feel. Then build in more if you feel like it. There’s no wrong way! We hope this helps you tell those pesky negative thoughts to GTFO! And, like always, let us know if you have more ways to increase positive self-talk!

    -Annie & Ari

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    1 comment

    Great use of positive affirmations

    Carolyn Walsh

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